ohheybill: DSCN2522
ohheybill: Pretty good for a "through the van window" shot, eh?
ohheybill: Eyjafjallajökull is up there
ohheybill: DSCN2528
ohheybill: DSCN2532
ohheybill: Tip of Sólheimajökull
ohheybill: Ash from Eyjafjallajökull
ohheybill: More ash. Our guide pronounced it "ass." :(
ohheybill: Gettin ready
ohheybill: Ragtag trekkin team.
ohheybill: Runoff from Sólheimajökull
ohheybill: More runoff
ohheybill: Crampons.
ohheybill: Starting to climb Sólheimajökull
ohheybill: Gettin higher
ohheybill: It's dusted with ash, from Eyjafjallajökull, but the guide says that's it's actually only about 50% more ash than normal. The rest is from the last time Katla erupted. In 1918. Also, notice the blue ice?
ohheybill: Looks like the moon
ohheybill: More moon
ohheybill: I really enjoyed taking this picture over and over
ohheybill: Tiny houses
ohheybill: This guy.
ohheybill: More moon
ohheybill: Our guides were badasses
ohheybill: Desolate
ohheybill: Blue glacier water. I drank this.
ohheybill: Postcard