tavanneswatch: Scottish Tavannes selfie...
tavanneswatch: My Tavannes in Porto....
tavanneswatch: Too much sun today tout make à picture properly offre my Tavannes. Doesn't matter, Nice shot in Jura, Switzerland.
tavanneswatch: Selfie of Tavannes Watch, try to guess where ;-)
tavanneswatch: My Tavannes near Tavannes, Switzerland
tavanneswatch: My Tavannes in Marseille, France
tavanneswatch: TaWa in Moléson, Gruyère, Switzerland
tavanneswatch: Selfie offre m'y TaWa, Barcelone, Spain
tavanneswatch: Selfie Tavanneswatch watch, Moléson, Fribourg
tavanneswatch: Selfie TaWa, Cortaillod, Neuchâtel
tavanneswatch: TaWa selfie, Marseille, France
tavanneswatch: Selfie of a Tavannes watch, Montreux, Switzerland
tavanneswatch: Selfie of Tavannes watch, Jura, Switzerland
tavanneswatch: Selfie of a Tavannes watch, Geneva, Switzerland.