hide-Ta: DSC04559
hide-Ta: a7II-smc PENTAX-D FA Macro 100mm F2.8 WR
hide-Ta: sakura-chichibu-2016-010
hide-Ta: In The Rain
hide-Ta: DSC01521
hide-Ta: DSC01167
hide-Ta: DSC00110
hide-Ta: DSC00108
hide-Ta: DSC00066
hide-Ta: himebotaru_20150614
hide-Ta: DSC03687_1
hide-Ta: DSC01078
hide-Ta: DSC00719
hide-Ta: DSC01309_2
hide-Ta: Star on the ground and starry sky
hide-Ta: SHINE -初夏の光-
hide-Ta: Fantasic World
hide-Ta: Flood of the light
hide-Ta: It was seen in the forest at night. [20170616]
hide-Ta: 20170617-hotaru-TRAIN
hide-Ta: The next stop is a firefly
hide-Ta: Firefly which nestles close to a hydrangea
hide-Ta: The Black Hole
hide-Ta: The light which flutters down / 舞い散る光
hide-Ta: It shines in the darkness.
hide-Ta: Road Of Firefly
hide-Ta: DSC01961
hide-Ta: Cloud Factory -20171026-
hide-Ta: DSC01111