nelesch14: PicsArt_1388921401059
nelesch14: winter is coming
nelesch14: P1040455
nelesch14: P1040412
nelesch14: "I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars." - Walt Whitman
nelesch14: first snow
nelesch14: P1040405
nelesch14: P1040421
nelesch14: P1040437
nelesch14: P1040457
nelesch14: P1040442
nelesch14: P1040447
nelesch14: hibernating
nelesch14: sunrise light
nelesch14: first snow
nelesch14: warm and cold
nelesch14: softness
nelesch14: still standing
nelesch14: melting
nelesch14: covered
nelesch14: the last cold days
nelesch14: winderwonderland