Darrellh2000: Dragonfly at Silverbridge Falls
Darrellh2000: Spider
Darrellh2000: Dew on web
Darrellh2000: Morning Dew
Darrellh2000: Daddy Longlegs
Darrellh2000: A secret
Darrellh2000: Bee on Thistle
Darrellh2000: Bees on thistle
Darrellh2000: Three thistles, One Bee
Darrellh2000: DamselFly
Darrellh2000: To kiss the petals of flowers
Darrellh2000: Incy Wincy Spider ran up his web again - Explore Oct 12, 2008 #399
Darrellh2000: Spider
Darrellh2000: Spider
Darrellh2000: Diamond Web
Darrellh2000: Butterfly and gravel
Darrellh2000: Diamonds and Sapphire
Darrellh2000: Black Diamonds
Darrellh2000: It's in here somewhere
Darrellh2000: Out of the Blue
Darrellh2000: Basking in the late spring sunshine
Darrellh2000: Damsel
Darrellh2000: Love is in the air
Darrellh2000: Basking (#2)
Darrellh2000: Water off a duck's back
Darrellh2000: Female Scarce Chaser (Libellula Fulva)
Darrellh2000: Silver-ground Carpet Moth
Darrellh2000: BANDED DEMOISELLE (Calopteryx splendens)
Darrellh2000: Low pollen count