thnewblack: #Pixel3XL
thnewblack: Dogface.
thnewblack: Moody brush.
thnewblack: Centennial Hall.
thnewblack: Ghost bridge.
thnewblack: Sky ends, water begins?
thnewblack: Glassy water.
thnewblack: Backlit Canopy.
thnewblack: The Wood.
thnewblack: What kind of day will it be?
thnewblack: Mood:
thnewblack: Industrial metal.
thnewblack: Inky sky.
thnewblack: Sleep with one eye open.
thnewblack: #mood
thnewblack: Parking lot sunrise.
thnewblack: Ducks in a row.
thnewblack: Lookout.
thnewblack: Welcome to New Year.
thnewblack: Superfish dog.
thnewblack: Superfish view.
thnewblack: Into the sunset.
thnewblack: Kornfield.
thnewblack: Beautiful Vedder.
thnewblack: Nature in B.C.
thnewblack: #Superfish #MomentLens #Pixel3XL
thnewblack: Vancity: fishmastered.
thnewblack: The walk was fruitful.
thnewblack: Reflection of orange glow.
thnewblack: Zamboni view.