donr777: Osprey circling overhead #2
donr777: Osprey circling overhead #1
donr777: Roseate Spoonbill flyby
donr777: Bald Eagle overlooking its terriory
donr777: Roseate Spoonbill flaring to land
donr777: Roseate Spoonbill lifting off
donr777: Great Blue Heron vs. snake - GBH won
donr777: Snowy Egret leaping across the water
donr777: Little Blue Heron fisihing in duckweed
donr777: Great Blue Heron lifting off
donr777: Great Blue Heron on watch
donr777: Little Green Heron in the late afternoon sun
donr777: Ibi posing on a log
donr777: Portrait of an Ibis
donr777: Osprey stretching out after a bath
donr777: Osprey shaking out #2
donr777: Osprey shaking out #1
donr777: Osprey bringing in nesting material
donr777: Brown Pelican over the Gulf
donr777: Osprey leaving nest to hunt
donr777: Osprey heading back to its nest
donr777: White Pelican lifting off from a sandbar
donr777: Female Boat-tailed Grackle
donr777: Cattle Egret at sunrise
donr777: Little Blue Heron at sunrise
donr777: Male Brown Pelican over the Gulf of Mexico
donr777: Snail Kite with catch
donr777: Snail Kite hunting at sunrise
donr777: Great Blue Heron at sunrise
donr777: Pair of Swallow-tailed Kite in B&W