donr777: Caracara fledglings playing 'tug-o-war'
donr777: Crested Caracara fledgling at golden hour
donr777: Crested Caracara bringing food in to the nest
donr777: Crested Caracara on the hunt
donr777: Crested Caracara on the hunt
donr777: Crested Caracara with a scavenged meal at dusk
donr777: Crested Caracara landing on a high perch
donr777: Crested Caracara at sunset
donr777: Crested Caracara at sunset
donr777: Crested Caracara with their fledglings
donr777: Crested Caracara fledgling on a test flight
donr777: Crested Caracara fledgling observing Cormorants flying overhead
donr777: Crested Caracara chic at susnset
donr777: Crested Caracara at sunset
donr777: Crested Caracara bringing in food to the nest
donr777: Crested Caracara watching over the nest
donr777: Crested Caracara watching over the nest
donr777: Crested Caracara on a blustery fall afternoon
donr777: Crested Caracara flaring to land at susnset
donr777: Crested Caracara at sunset
donr777: Crested Caracara at dusk