Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 263
Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 256
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 112711 276
Shutter_Hand: Bentonville
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 112010 945
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 112010 023
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 111209 1005
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 110710 829
Shutter_Hand: Ozarks 710
Shutter_Hand: Stellar performance
Shutter_Hand: Ozarks 618
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 111209 165
Shutter_Hand: Ozarks 551
Shutter_Hand: The Midas touch of Autumn
Shutter_Hand: Little house in the prairie
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 110710 763
Shutter_Hand: Ozarks 397
Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 266
Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 259
Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 220
Shutter_Hand: Devils Den 224
Shutter_Hand: Clark Gardens 111209 1011
Shutter_Hand: Ozarks 1074
Shutter_Hand: Yellow goodbye
Shutter_Hand: Afternoon Light
Shutter_Hand: Flowering dogwood
Shutter_Hand: Cornus Florida
Shutter_Hand: Remembering that I’ll be dead soon...
Shutter_Hand: I love Minolta glass
Shutter_Hand: Arboretum 121809 148