marinagermain78: Hibou moyen-duc - Long-eared Owl DSC02272-Mod.jpg
tomblandford: Handsome Bull
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #2
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025 #3
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Shortie- Jan 25-2025
Bruno Conjeaud: Hunter's Cisticola (Endemic)
dom67150: Mésange nonnette - Marsh tit
pekabo90401: Red-whiskered Bulbul finds a home at the Arb ...bulbul 9959 LA Arb Southern California
Sultan Sultani: Brought Food for Her Love
mittiellanipi: Tangara Girola. Tangara Cabecirrufa. Bay-headed Tanager.
BirdCraft: Kingfisher with a keen eye on the water below
BirdCraft: Immature Female Linnet
BirdCraft: Robin on Ice
BirdCraft: Great Tit
BirdCraft: Red Kite ..holding on tight!
catherine.zinsky711: _CLZ4521-001 Great Blue Heron Flyover 6528
airboy123: Sharp-shinned Hawk
airboy123: Sharp-shinned Hawk
MichelGuérin: Hibou moyen-duc Long-eared Owl - Asio otus.
marieroy0808: Sizerin Flammé - Commom Redpoll
ericnzhou: Western Screech Owl
philippeoros: Sittelle Torchepot
Jocelyne F.: Nyctale de Tengmalm
Paul McGoveran: Kestrel 1590
Mick L.: Gulf Stream Sun Voyager
Michael Loyd 1: Lark Sparrow
Michael Loyd 1: 13-Lined Ground Squirrel