neilsimpson515: First Peacock butterfly (Inachis io) of the year, sunning itself in the garden
neilsimpson515: Male orange tip on wild flower
neilsimpson515: Comma / Polygonia c-album taking in the sun amongst brambles
neilsimpson515: Male orange tip butterfly
neilsimpson515: Female orange tip butterfly
neilsimpson515: Speckled wood butterfly
neilsimpson515: Green-veined white butterfly
neilsimpson515: Female orange tip butterfly
neilsimpson515: Small skipper butterfly (Thymelicus sylvestris) on thistle leaf
neilsimpson515: Small skipper on birds-foot trefoil
neilsimpson515: European comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) in leaf pose
neilsimpson515: Small skipper feeding on cuckoo flowers
neilsimpson515: Large white on thistle
neilsimpson515: Red admiral on blackberry blossom
neilsimpson515: Gatekeeper on blackberry blossom
neilsimpson515: Small skipper on orange hawkweed - gosh, that's colourful
neilsimpson515: White plume moth straddling grass stalks
neilsimpson515: Comma (Polygonia c-album) on thistle
neilsimpson515: A really tatty small tortoiseshell butterfly (Aglais urticae)
neilsimpson515: Female brimstone on thistle flower head
neilsimpson515: Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly / Aglais Urticae