lawley.mark: Turkish C-160 69-021
lawley.mark: ZK380 preparing to go
lawley.mark: ZK322 outbound
lawley.mark: ZJ809 lining up 5th April 2016
lawley.mark: ZJ934 entering 23
lawley.mark: ZK347 departing 5th April 2016
lawley.mark: ZK380 lining up
lawley.mark: ZG752 departing bare
lawley.mark: ZG752 burning 5th April 2016
lawley.mark: ZG791 out on a sortie
lawley.mark: ZD742 departing
lawley.mark: Crow 2 other little birdie types and a P-8A thingy
lawley.mark: best turn now so we don't hit the guy with the camera
lawley.mark: C-40A 830 arriving Lossie
lawley.mark: pair of Typhoons out bound
lawley.mark: ZG791 aiming for before piano keys
lawley.mark: Turkish Transall 69-026
lawley.mark: 69-026 TAXIING TO DELTA
lawley.mark: Leopard 1020 arriving
lawley.mark: 07-1020 Arriving Lossie
lawley.mark: 07-1005 arriving Lossie 7th April
lawley.mark: Turkish F-16 07-1002 arriving Lossie
lawley.mark: 07-1025 arriving Lossiemouth 7th April
lawley.mark: 07-1013 arriving Lossiemout 7th April
lawley.mark: Turkish Tanker arriving 05
lawley.mark: Turkish Kc-135 Lossiemouth 7th April
lawley.mark: Silversands light house
lawley.mark: Aurora 140114
lawley.mark: German Transall
lawley.mark: German A400 back tracking