Stef32Photo: Danger / Gevaarlijk
Stef32Photo: Oosterschelde Bridge / Oosterschelde brug
Stef32Photo: Touch of blue / Tintje blauw
Stef32Photo: View / Uitzicht
Stef32Photo: Boat / Bootje
Stef32Photo: The Harbor / De haven
Stef32Photo: it`s low tide / Het is eb
Stef32Photo: B&W / Zwart wit
Stef32Photo: Welcome back / Welkom terug
Stef32Photo: YE 30
Stef32Photo: The Fishing men / De visser
Stef32Photo: Windmill`s / Molens
Stef32Photo: Fishing net / Visnetten
Stef32Photo: Zeeland