adamdudley8: Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
adamdudley8: Mule deer fawn
adamdudley8: Gopher snake
adamdudley8: Gopher snake
adamdudley8: California Ground Squirrel
adamdudley8: Harbour Seal
adamdudley8: California Ground Squirrel
adamdudley8: California Ground Squirrel
adamdudley8: Western Pygmy Squirrel
adamdudley8: Western Night Monkey
adamdudley8: Coyote Edgewood
adamdudley8: Cheetah with Cub
adamdudley8: Lions fighting
adamdudley8: Bobcat on the hunt
adamdudley8: Bobcat, Cloverdale Road, San Mateo County, CA
adamdudley8: Bobcat, Cloverdale Road, San Mateo County, CA
adamdudley8: Sea Otters, Elkhorn Slough, Monterey, CA
adamdudley8: Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Radio Road, Redwood City, CA
adamdudley8: Gold dust gecko, Kauai, HI
adamdudley8: Aligator Lizard, Sunol Wilderness, CA
adamdudley8: California Ground Squirrel
adamdudley8: Lions Fighting
adamdudley8: Coyote, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado
adamdudley8: Striped Skunk, Coyote Point