margie.durrheim: 10 View of the west bank of the Nile R
margie.durrheim: 11 Close-up of a typical village on the banks of the Nile R
margie.durrheim: 12 The captain at the wheel of his boat R
margie.durrheim: 14 A view of the east bank of the Nile R
margie.durrheim: 12a Egyptian flag R
margie.durrheim: 13 Very persistent salesmen! R
margie.durrheim: 16 A felucca R
margie.durrheim: 17 Conference delegates praying at sunset R
margie.durrheim: 15 Ray chatting with a colleague in the late afternoon R
margie.durrheim: 01 The view from our boat this morning
margie.durrheim: 10 On board our buggy for the ride back to the boat
margie.durrheim: 4Apr - East bank of the Nile a02 West bank of the Nile at 11h15t 11h15
margie.durrheim: 4Apr - West bank of the Nile at 11h15
margie.durrheim: 4Apr Barbeque lunch on the deck
margie.durrheim: 4Apr Having lunch with some of Ray's post-graduate students