uwe.falk: Gelbmilchende Helmlinge (Mycena crocata)
The Aussie Art Maker: Scorpi Gal ---- -Black Rock scorpion
~Cess~: The statue
Igor Kramar: Pleurotus ostreatus
Roman Popelar: Volandstind, Norway
Rolandletscher: Pied-bleu Lespista nuda
joachim.kracher: Im Nebelwald - Autumn fog in the forest
R. Engelsman: Rhodotus palmatus
@hipydeus: Hey...
Andrelo2014: Arcyria denudata | scale 3:1
R. Engelsman: Tremella mesenterica
R. Engelsman: Geastrum triplex
Mark Polson: Feeding Time
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Snail - Leptopoma sp.
albert dros: Porcelain Shrooms
R. Engelsman: Crepidotus variabilis (1 of 2)
Margarita Calderó: Autumn colors and fog in the forest
Andrelo2014: unknown | scale 4:1
R. Engelsman: Crepidotus brunneoroseus (1 of 2)
fervenza2008: Clavaria rugosa
Andrelo2014: Halbkugeliger Borstenbecherling (Humaria hemisphaerica)
marie1179: One Neelides minutus, one Desoria trispinata
Rolandletscher: Jeunes cortinaires
misisipiano: Yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia)
Olaf Gnau: Burgwald XXIII
g3az66: Oysterling
joachim.kracher: Pilz mit Fliege
dr.klaustrumm: Im Waldkino
davolly59: Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
Andrelo2014: Trichia sp. | scale 4:1