pattybartavelle: “Necesitamos esperanza, o de lo contrario no podemos soportarlo.” ***** “We need hope, or else we can't stand it.” Sarah J.Maas
pattybartavelle: "In every woman there is a Queen. If you talk to the Queen, the Queen will answer you." Norwegian proverb. ****** «En cada mujer hay una Reina. Si tu hablas con la Reina, la Reina te responderá». Proverbio noruego.
pattybartavelle: Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. (Hans Christian Anderson) **************** La vida en sí es el más maravilloso cuento de hadas. (Hans Christian Andersen)
pattybartavelle: "The best wine is not necessarily the most expensive, but the one that is shared." George Brassens ****************** “El mejor vino no es necesariamente el más caro, sino el que se comparte”. George Brassens
pattybartavelle: It is forbidden not to smile at problems, not to fight for what you want, to abandon everything out of fear, not to make your dreams come true. (Pablo Neruda)
pattybartavelle: There is no better love triangle than a slice of pizza. ************* No hay mejor triángulo amoroso que una rebanada de pizza.