“Necesitamos esperanza, o de lo contrario no podemos soportarlo.” ***** “We need hope, or else we can't stand it.” Sarah J.Maas
"In every woman there is a Queen. If you talk to the Queen, the Queen will answer you." Norwegian proverb. ****** «En cada mujer hay una Reina. Si tu hablas con la Reina, la Reina te responderá». Proverbio noruego.
Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. (Hans Christian Anderson) **************** La vida en sí es el más maravilloso cuento de hadas. (Hans Christian Andersen)
"The best wine is not necessarily the most expensive, but the one that is shared." George Brassens ****************** “El mejor vino no es necesariamente el más caro, sino el que se comparte”. George Brassens
It is forbidden not to smile at problems, not to fight for what you want, to abandon everything out of fear, not to make your dreams come true. (Pablo Neruda)
There is no better love triangle than a slice of pizza. ************* No hay mejor triángulo amoroso que una rebanada de pizza.