TMRennert Studios: Rad Callowave. Found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Updated fam photo! I guess I shouldn't leave them alone more just keep showing up! #welding #weld #welded #robotart #robotsculpture #art #sculpture
TMRennert Studios: A holder for my wife's amethyst! With copper grounding. #sculpture #art #welded #weld #welding #amythystamethyst
TMRennert Studios: Robeye new digs too! #welding #robotsculpture #welded #sculpture #weld #art #tmrennertstudios
TMRennert Studios: Revised fireman bill. With base and new kicks! #art #weld #sculpture #welded #robotsculpture #tmrennertstudios
TMRennert Studios: A couple more shots of bravo-6 #robotsculpture #welded #sculpture #weld #art #tmrennertstudios
TMRennert Studios: Pepper's got new digs too! #robotsculpture #welded #tmrennertstudios #sculpture #robotsculpture #art #weld #welding
TMRennert Studios: Sculpture #sculpture #tmrennertstudios #weld #welded #copper #art #elegant
TMRennert Studios: Electriss #elegant #robotsculpture #art #copper #welded #weld #tmrennertstudios #sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Franken wheels #welded #tmrennertstudios #welding #sculpture #art #robotsculpture #
TMRennert Studios: Pickle pig #tmrennertstudios #robotsculpture #art #sculpture #welding #
TMRennert Studios: Buzzer #welded #weld #welding #sculpture #art #robotsculpture #tmrennertstudios
TMRennert Studios: Buzzer 2 #tmrennertstudios #robotsculpture #art #sculpture #welding #weld #welded #
TMRennert Studios: Philomena #tmrennertstudios #robotsculpture #art #sculpture #welding #weld #welded #
TMRennert Studios: Sad Sam with base #welded #weld #welding #sculpture #art #robotsculpture #tmrennertstudios
TMRennert Studios: Coco #welded #weld #robotsculpture #art #welding #tmrennertstudios #sculpture
TMRennert Studios: R.P.M. Found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Elec-box found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: New photos #sculpture #weld #tmrennertstudios #welding #welded #robotsculpture #art
TMRennert Studios: Sum updated photos #tmrennertstudios #art #weld #sculpture #welded #robotsculpture #welded
TMRennert Studios: Robot sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Fan man. Found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Boom boy. Found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Please welcome:Bill-Tech Sargent! #welding #robotsculpture #sculpture #tmrennertstudios #weld #welded #art #assemblage
TMRennert Studios: Hands off my nuts! #welded sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Hands off my nuts! #welded sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Yard art Bug! Flower holder
TMRennert Studios: Bravo-6 found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Philomena found object sculpture
TMRennert Studios: Franken wheels. Found object sculpture