matthias.foto: Little Hedgehog lies on his back and tries to hide
matthias.foto: Asian small-clawed otter sitting up and begging
matthias.foto: Golden Lion Tamarin
matthias.foto: A bristly ground squirrel looks interested
matthias.foto: ... Hey this is my food!
matthias.foto: A chimpanzee in its nest
matthias.foto: Rhino is not long enough
matthias.foto: Trust between man and sea lion
matthias.foto: Dwarf Mongoose (Zwergmanguste)
matthias.foto: Guianan saki (Weißkopfsaki)
matthias.foto: Black spider monkey (Schwarzer Klammeraffe)
matthias.foto: Snow owl (Schnee-Eule)
matthias.foto: Parrot (Kea oder Bergpapagei)
matthias.foto: Spitzhörnchen "Om Nom Nom"