jandiepersloot: Batik factory -entrance
jandiepersloot: Batik factory -spinning yarn
jandiepersloot: spun yarn
jandiepersloot: Batik factory --tie-dyeing the pattern
jandiepersloot: Batik factory weaving
jandiepersloot: Batik factory -weaving
jandiepersloot: Batik factory -weaving (
jandiepersloot: Batik factory store
jandiepersloot: Batik factory -store
jandiepersloot: Batik factory store
jandiepersloot: Batik factory store
jandiepersloot: Batik factory store
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony -entering the temple
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony -entering the temple -wet part 1
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony -wet part 1
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony --wet part 2: immersion area
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony -wet part 2: immersion area
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony --temple priest conducting dry part of ceremoney
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony --temple priest conducting dry part of ceremoney
jandiepersloot: Jean all purified!
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony entrance/exit gate
jandiepersloot: Purification ceremony entrance/exit gate
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex(4)
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex garden
jandiepersloot: lunch restaurant complex garden (2)