grinnin1110: Park Visit
grinnin1110: Beautiful Beautyberries
grinnin1110: County Seat
grinnin1110: Butterfly Bench
grinnin1110: Ravens
grinnin1110: Ravens
grinnin1110: Fence Decorations
grinnin1110: So Cute!
grinnin1110: Lone Bloomer
grinnin1110: One last look at Mother's hydrangea, so pretty
grinnin1110: Close-up of Mother's beautiful blue hydrangea
grinnin1110: Hydrangea in Mother's front yard
grinnin1110: Budding Rhododendron
grinnin1110: Flame azalea
grinnin1110: Close Up
grinnin1110: Wild Strawberry
grinnin1110: Where's the food??
grinnin1110: Baby robins
grinnin1110: 20151120_172411
grinnin1110: Wild strawberry
grinnin1110: Red roses – after a rain shower – and so pretty, rising above a perennial tufted dense mat-like carpet of Sedum acre 'Goldmoss Stonecrop' engulfing the stepping stones with yellow flowers
grinnin1110: Asparagus in Mother's garden: the finest texture and the strongest yet most delicate taste is in the tips
grinnin1110: Rhododendron calendulaceum, a.k.a. flame azalea in Mother's garden
grinnin1110: Lettuce - Mother grows delicious salad greens!
grinnin1110: The blueberries in Mother's garden will be ripe soon (and the birds know it!)
grinnin1110: Beautiful white azalea blossom
grinnin1110: Arisaema triphyllum, a.k.a. Jack-in-the-pulpit: Mother has a nice collection of these in her garden
grinnin1110: Arisaema triphyllum, a.k.a. Jack-in-the-pulpit
grinnin1110: Rose – a beautiful volunteer – beautifully fragrant
grinnin1110: Kalmia latifolia, a.k.a. mountain-laurel, calico-bush, or spoonwood, is a species of flowering plant in the blueberry family, Ericaceae, that is native to the eastern United States