grinnin1110: Clouds in the Sky
grinnin1110: 30th Annual German Christmas Celebration
grinnin1110: Reenactors' Camp
grinnin1110: Darn it!
grinnin1110: Hackberry tree
grinnin1110: Hackberry tree bark detail
grinnin1110: Reenactors' Camp
grinnin1110: Finishing touches for the food
grinnin1110: Stuffed acorn squash
grinnin1110: The Old Stone House
grinnin1110: Ready! Aim!
grinnin1110: Fire! Now you see it!
grinnin1110: Now you don't!
grinnin1110: "A Look at Living History"
grinnin1110: Yoo Hoo!
grinnin1110: Everybody loves the kitchen
grinnin1110: Front of the Old Stone House
grinnin1110: Scribe's bench
grinnin1110: Come and sit a spell
grinnin1110: Front of the Old Stone House
grinnin1110: "What's your name?"
grinnin1110: Bawk, bawk...
grinnin1110: Chickens
grinnin1110: Here's Looking at You
grinnin1110: Chicken at rest
grinnin1110: Hello, goat!
grinnin1110: Who are you?
grinnin1110: A domestic goat
grinnin1110: Goat smile
grinnin1110: The Old Stone House Outbuilding