grinnin1110: "Mainz music box"
grinnin1110: "Mainz musical clock"
grinnin1110: Mainz Christmas market entrance area
grinnin1110: Gutenberg Museum
grinnin1110: Ruth and Yumiko
grinnin1110: Portraying the Reason for the Season
grinnin1110: Looking out from the main entrance to the Mainz Christmas market
grinnin1110: Looking in at the main entrance to the Mainz Christmas market
grinnin1110: Christmas pyramid, MUCH bigger than ours at home
grinnin1110: The wonderful Mainz Christmas Market
grinnin1110: Canopy of light on the market square
grinnin1110: Market place view to the festively-lit Heunen Column
grinnin1110: Let there be Light!
grinnin1110: Wine barrel huts in back of the Mainz Cathedral
grinnin1110: I've got you in my sights
grinnin1110: Joe, "framed"
grinnin1110: Cross, 2nd half of the 8th century
grinnin1110: Mother and Child
grinnin1110: Kneeling John the Baptist sandstone statue
grinnin1110: Marvelous historical Market surroundings
grinnin1110: Joe & Yumiko "cozy" in a wine barrel cabin hut
grinnin1110: "Mainz music box"
grinnin1110: "Mainz musical clock"