ArtFrames: Adonis Blue pair in cop
ArtFrames: Waxwings feeding
ArtFrames: Orange Tip (M) - Anthocharis cardamines
ArtFrames: harlequin ladybird - harmonia axyridis succinea
ArtFrames: Banded Demoiselle eating a mayfly
ArtFrames: Comma - Polygonia c-album
ArtFrames: Sulphur Ascalaphid (Owlfly) - Libelloides coccajus
ArtFrames: Chalk Hill Blue (male) - Polyommatus coridon
ArtFrames: Chalkhill Blue
ArtFrames: Adonis Blue
ArtFrames: Fly attack!
ArtFrames: Pair Silver-studded Blues - Plebejus argus - France
ArtFrames: Silver-studded Blue - Plebejus argus - France
ArtFrames: Autumn leaves
ArtFrames: Male Mandarin Duck - Aix galericulata
ArtFrames: Avocet on eggs - Recurvirostra avosetta
ArtFrames: Bittern - Botaurus stellaris
ArtFrames: Bittern - Botaurus stellaris
ArtFrames: Hen Pheasant
ArtFrames: Fieldfare in the garden
ArtFrames: Swan portrait
ArtFrames: Bee Fly - Bombylius major
ArtFrames: Small Tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
ArtFrames: Bee on the bleeding heart, in between the showers.
ArtFrames: a "BREAKFAST...!!!" call
ArtFrames: Black Hairstreak
ArtFrames: Croatia - Great Sooty Satyr (June 8th)
ArtFrames: Croatia - Queen of Spain Fritillary (June 10th)
ArtFrames: White Admiral
ArtFrames: Common Blue on Devil's Bit Scabious