foodbyfax: Stormtrooper and Vacation Stormtrooper
foodbyfax: Vacation Stormtrooper
foodbyfax: TIE pilot
foodbyfax: Harry Potter character group
foodbyfax: Jimmy Olsen, Green Power Ranger, and Green Lantern Big Barda
foodbyfax: Star Sapphire Miri, Green Lantern, Red Lantern Laira with Dex-Starr
foodbyfax: Lanterns with a fan
foodbyfax: Ethan Van Sciver photobombs a group of Lanterns
foodbyfax: Ethan Van Sciver and Karu-Sil
foodbyfax: Stang is shy
foodbyfax: Lanterns with a young fan
foodbyfax: Star Sapphire Miri, Green Lanterns Big Barda, John Stewart, Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Karu-Sil, Laira, Dex-Starr, and Black Lantern Green Arrow
foodbyfax: Zatanna and Harley Quinn
foodbyfax: Darth Vader, first thing in the morning
foodbyfax: The Riddler
foodbyfax: Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man
foodbyfax: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man with a fan
foodbyfax: Godzilla merchandise
foodbyfax: Wolverine and Jubilee
foodbyfax: Batwoman
foodbyfax: Solomon Grundy and Black Lantern Aquaman
foodbyfax: Silk Spectre I and Emma Frost
foodbyfax: Venom and Wolverine
foodbyfax: Sinestro and Chewbacca
foodbyfax: Jamie in Packrat's booth
foodbyfax: Solomon Grundy, Black Lantern Aquaman, and John Stewart
foodbyfax: Solomon Grundy and Black Lantern Aquaman again
foodbyfax: Lora Innes drawing Harley Quinn
foodbyfax: Beppo the Supermonkey
foodbyfax: Beppo and Sinestro