foodbyfax: Wiccy and her pink ball
foodbyfax: Wiccy putting
foodbyfax: Me putting
foodbyfax: Wiccy gets her camera
foodbyfax: Getting ready to putt
foodbyfax: Wiccy
foodbyfax: Our balls in the cup
foodbyfax: Part of the course
foodbyfax: Close-up of a part of the course
foodbyfax: Wiccy putting again
foodbyfax: Wiccy posing
foodbyfax: Waiting for my turn
foodbyfax: Lots of bugs on the course
foodbyfax: Balls-eye view
foodbyfax: Close-up balls-eye view
foodbyfax: Ditch Witch sign
foodbyfax: Our balls again
foodbyfax: Wiccy readys a putt
foodbyfax: Wiccy retrieves her ball
foodbyfax: Celebrating my hole in one!
foodbyfax: Closer shot of the Ditch Witch sign
foodbyfax: Waterfall
foodbyfax: Another shot of the waterfall
foodbyfax: Looking across the pond
foodbyfax: Across the pond
foodbyfax: Different angle on the waterfall
foodbyfax: Hole #12 is a Par 3
foodbyfax: Lilly pads
foodbyfax: More waterfall
foodbyfax: I-70