foodbyfax: Dave's cake
foodbyfax: Party favors
foodbyfax: Dave shows off his new toy
foodbyfax: The birthday boy
foodbyfax: Decorations
foodbyfax: Emily says, "Rawr!"
foodbyfax: Everyone looks away
foodbyfax: Beans and Emily
foodbyfax: Sherry and a shot glass
foodbyfax: Chatting in the kitchen
foodbyfax: More decorations
foodbyfax: Jason in the kitchen
foodbyfax: Tracy assures Dave he is still her pretty, pretty princess
foodbyfax: The cake is cut!
foodbyfax: Waiting for the cake
foodbyfax: Wiccy and the new camera
foodbyfax: The first piece is being served
foodbyfax: Group shot
foodbyfax: Celia and a red balloon
foodbyfax: Dave approaches
foodbyfax: Browncoats gather in the kitchen
foodbyfax: Wiccy smiles
foodbyfax: Luna and Wiccy
foodbyfax: Luna's wrist is measured
foodbyfax: Wyn and Luna
foodbyfax: Wiccy is amused by the gerbil toy
foodbyfax: Tracy tries to ride piggyback on Beans
foodbyfax: Balloons
foodbyfax: Dave or Iron Man?
foodbyfax: Iron Man's sight isn't what it used to be