foodbyfax: Wiccy on the swing
foodbyfax: Wiccy still swinging
foodbyfax: Wiccy gets some air
foodbyfax: Me on the swing
foodbyfax: Me on the swing still
foodbyfax: I'm swinging
foodbyfax: Wiccy close-up
foodbyfax: Video of Wiccy on the xylophone
foodbyfax: Wiccy playing on the big xylophone
foodbyfax: Wiccy on the tire swing
foodbyfax: Wiccy rearrangers herself
foodbyfax: Wiccy relaxes
foodbyfax: Wiccy and I
foodbyfax: Wiccy hides
foodbyfax: Wiccy surveys the playground
foodbyfax: Wiccy waves
foodbyfax: Wiccy on the seat swing
foodbyfax: Wicy lets her hair down
foodbyfax: Exhausted Wiccy
foodbyfax: *iz ded*
foodbyfax: Wiccy emerges from the slide
foodbyfax: Wiccy on the slide
foodbyfax: Wiccy and I on the levee
foodbyfax: Ducks
foodbyfax: Blurry duck
foodbyfax: A duck
foodbyfax: A barge passing sternwheelers
foodbyfax: A barge on the river
foodbyfax: Wiccy looking up Cincinnatius' skirt
foodbyfax: Wiccy and the statue of Cincinnatius