cultivar413: 151029 001 Park Ave at 104th St - Craetegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn
cultivar413: 151029 002 Park Ave at 104th St - Craetegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn, a superior ornamental tree
cultivar413: 151029 005 Park Ave Metro North Viaduct at 104th St - Asplenium sp Spleenwort Fern
cultivar413: 151029 006 Park Ave Metro North Viaduct at 104th St - nature slowly reclaims neglected infrastructure
cultivar413: 151029 009 Park Ave Metro North Viaduct at 104th St - a stone wall becomes a forest
cultivar413: 151029 011 Fifth Ave at 104th St - Ulmus americana American Elm
cultivar413: 151029 013 Fifth Ave at 104th St - The Museum of the City of NY, the orange tree is Zelkova serrata
cultivar413: 151029 014 Central Park - Lonicera maackii Amur Honeysuckle, Ulmus americana American Elm
cultivar413: 151029 015 Central Park - Lonicera maackii Amur Honeysuckle, lovely but unfortunately invasive through much of the USA
cultivar413: 151029 017 Central Park - Granite pavers and asphalt hex blocks are signatures of NYC parks
cultivar413: 151029 018 Central Park - Conservatory Garden main entrance at 105th St and Fifth Ave
cultivar413: 151029 019 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, about the garden and the entrance gate
cultivar413: 151029 020 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, entrance gate detail
cultivar413: 151029 022 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, Stewartia pseudocamellia
cultivar413: 151029 023 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, Teucrium chamaedrys and Alternanthea ficoidea cv in the parterre
cultivar413: 151029 024 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, Salvia 'Indigo Spires', 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, Teucrium chamaedrys and Alternanthea ficoidea cv in the parterre
cultivar413: 151029 025 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, Teucrium chamaedrys, Alternanthea ficoidea, Stewartia pseudocamellia
cultivar413: 151029 026 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, Salvia 'Amistad', 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, originally bred in the 1930's in Connecticut using Chrysanthemum sibericum as one parent
cultivar413: 151029 027 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, grown from seed, planted every spring after the tulips are removed
cultivar413: 151029 028 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, in spite of widespread disdain mums can be glorious
cultivar413: 151029 029 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, Untermyer Fountain, 'Dancing Maidens', a copy of a 1910 Berlin sculpture by Walter Schott given to NYC in 1947 by the Untermyer family
cultivar413: 151029 030 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, parterre detail, Teucrium chamaedrys Germander, Alternanthea ficoidea cv Calico Plant
cultivar413: 151029 031 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, Untermyer Fountain dedication plaque
cultivar413: 151029 033 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, Untermyer Fountain, a copy of a 1910 Berlin sculpture by Walter Schott given to NYC in 1947 by the Untermyer family
cultivar413: 151029 34 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, pods of Abelmoschus manihot, Euonymus alatus Burning Bush
cultivar413: 151029 035 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, originally bred in the 1930's by Alex Cummings in Connecticut using Chrysanthemum sibericum as one parent
cultivar413: 151029 036 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, this is easy to achieve if you can tolerate plain green leaves all summer
cultivar413: 151029 037 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, encroyable
cultivar413: 151029 039 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, originally bred in the 1930's by Alex Cummings in Connecticut using Chrysanthemum sibericum as one parent
cultivar413: 151029 040 Central Park - Conservatory Garden, the North Garden, 'Korean' Chrysanthemums, my brain exploded