cultivar413: A Shot of Spring close up 130415
cultivar413: A spray of Pieris japonica 130415
cultivar413: After a little clean up but more to go 130415
cultivar413: All nicey-nice now 130414
cultivar413: Around the Grove - a proper beach house 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - all quiet on the dock 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - crazy house survived Sandy 130414
cultivar413: Around the Grove - fresh deer food arrives 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - how I loves ya, how I loves ya 130414
cultivar413: Around the Grove - nice Hydrangea 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - pine and blue 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - pussy willow blues 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - quelle artsy-fartsy 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - so eerie and quiet 130414
cultivar413: Around the Grove - the five thirty five pulls in 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - the proud old lady 130415
cultivar413: Around the Grove - tweet tweet 130415
cultivar413: Black cherry pruned to give pine more light 130415
cultivar413: Erodium circutarium - Redstem Filaree - in the Geranium family 130415
cultivar413: Erodium circutarium near Sayville train station 130415
cultivar413: Flooding aftermath, exposed cherry root 130413
cultivar413: Front yard grasses en deshabille 130415
cultivar413: Glory of the Snow - Chionodoxa luciliae 130414
cultivar413: Large dead cherry by front door was removed by local landscaper 130415
cultivar413: Large dead cherry by front door was removed by local landscaper 130415
cultivar413: New Aeon Walkway after Sandy 130414
cultivar413: New Aeon Walkway no stairs yet 130414
cultivar413: Pieris japonica in the front yard 130415
cultivar413: Pieris japonica in the front yard 130415
cultivar413: Pieris japonica in the front yard close up 130415