underarockphoto: Ryan and Grandmother, Pikes Peak Train, Colorado. June 2001
underarockphoto: Ryan and Grandfather, Beauty Cave, Craters of the Moon, Idaho. June 2001.
underarockphoto: Roswell, New Mexico. June 2003
underarockphoto: Salt Lake City Family, June 2001.
underarockphoto: Ryan, Junior Ranger Program, Old Faithful Visitor Center, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. July 2003
underarockphoto: Ryan and Grandmother, Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls, Summer 2000
underarockphoto: Ryan and Grandmother, Presque Isle, Lake Erie, PA. Summer 2000
underarockphoto: Ryan and Grandmother, Presque Isle, Lake Erie, PA. Summer 2000