underarockphoto: TAG-40 (600x800)
underarockphoto: TAG-41 (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-42 (600x800)
underarockphoto: TAG-42b (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-43 (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-44 (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-45 (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-46 (603x800)
underarockphoto: TAG-47 (600x800)
underarockphoto: TAG-48 (800x600)
underarockphoto: TAG-49 (600x800)
underarockphoto: zzTAG-4 (600x800)
underarockphoto: Emily drops the pit
underarockphoto: Wayne on the lip
underarockphoto: Mark and Kyle asceding.
underarockphoto: Waterfall Dome
underarockphoto: At the start of the climb out.
underarockphoto: Halfway out
underarockphoto: Emily on rope
underarockphoto: Emily climbing
underarockphoto: Emily near the lip
underarockphoto: Jessi and Emily after the climb out