pakchris1: my Bumi Sehat girls
pakchris1: my classroom and 14 great students, all girls
pakchris1: Tini
pakchris1: Kadek
pakchris1: DSCN5352
pakchris1: DSCN5353
pakchris1: Saras and Manis
pakchris1: Dwi and Yanti
pakchris1: my classroom
pakchris1: the horrible road to school!
pakchris1: Here it doesn't look too bad!
pakchris1: graduation
pakchris1: the dancers
pakchris1: the guitar playing teacher
pakchris1: the singers
pakchris1: Lohman
pakchris1: Manis
pakchris1: Ayu and Ketut
pakchris1: teachers hamming it up
pakchris1: Made playing the guitar
pakchris1: the whole group
pakchris1: Master of cermonies
pakchris1: video taping
pakchris1: first dance
pakchris1: Ayu dancing
pakchris1: DSCN5445
pakchris1: DSCN5447
pakchris1: DSCN5448
pakchris1: DSCN5449
pakchris1: Manis dancing