normanwest4tography: Buzzard - Buteo buteo
A.Arteche: ARAÑA DEL TEIDE (Acculepeira annulipes)
J.Bellido: Dead calm
MK 817: 750-0810
MK 817: 750-0746
karinrogmann: ready for landing
mehdiapic: Retour de la chasse - back from hunting
MK 817: After you...
Nick Dean1: Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown)- Guernsey
Phiddy1: Black-throated blue warbler
normanwest4tography: Gadwall - Anas strepera
bmse: Before the splash
Nigel Hodson: Puffin
steve whiteley: Banded Demoiselle
normanwest4tography: Buzzard - Buteo buteo
Maria-H: Small Copper
blavandmaster: Explorers wanted
Mccamli: Ice-Cream Magic
MK 817: 750-3390
Maria-H: Oia sunset - Santorini
Phiddy1: Great crested flycatcher
Rafel Ferrandis: Tres flamencs 26 (Phoenicopterus roseus) Three flamingos 26 (El racó de l'Olla, València, l'Horta, Spain
wentloog: Night Storm
Phiddy1: Wood thrush
andredekesel: Penseelkever
katrin glaesmann: Monochrome Monday
Hexilene: A l’affût
Raphaël Melloul: Hong Kong Skyline from Victoria Peak
Bruno Conjeaud: Bali Myna (Jalak Bali) - Etourneau de Rotschild
blavandmaster: Joy of the moment