danielusescanon: Common Loon stretches...
danielusescanon: Will fly for food...
danielusescanon: One leg standing...
danielusescanon: American Wigeon ♂
danielusescanon: Eagle in the harbor
danielusescanon: Western Sandpiper
danielusescanon: The non-stressed Sandhill Crane look...
danielusescanon: Semipalmated Plover (Breeding Adult)
danielusescanon: On Watch
danielusescanon: "I see you"
danielusescanon: Fast Food...
danielusescanon: Gull Island
danielusescanon: Pelagic Cormorant
danielusescanon: A family on edge...
danielusescanon: Northwestern Crow
danielusescanon: Guarding the nest
danielusescanon: Learning what to eat...
danielusescanon: Bald Eagle about to strike!
danielusescanon: Mr. Long-tailed Duck
danielusescanon: The old foot wave...
danielusescanon: The Homer spit in Winter
danielusescanon: Hunting fish
danielusescanon: The big splash!
danielusescanon: Putting the brakes on...
danielusescanon: Baby glances our way...
danielusescanon: The Grab!
danielusescanon: A successful grab!
danielusescanon: Walks on Water...
danielusescanon: Eagle Eye Morning
danielusescanon: The call of the Sandhill Crane