danielusescanon: A Wilson's Snipe (Galinago delicata) takes a moment
danielusescanon: Shorebird exercise time at Potter Marsh - and a one and a two...
danielusescanon: "In each life some rain must fall..."
danielusescanon: "Junior" at Potter Marsh, Alaska
danielusescanon: A female moose at Potter Marsh
danielusescanon: A female Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) and her mate
danielusescanon: "Junior" and the Magpies
danielusescanon: "Junior" - Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) immature
danielusescanon: Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) female
danielusescanon: The wild rabbits of Potter Marsh
danielusescanon: Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) female
danielusescanon: Where did momma go?
danielusescanon: Paddle-tailed darner (Aeshna palmata) dragonfly
danielusescanon: Gone fishing...
danielusescanon: Black-capped Chickadee with grub
danielusescanon: Don't play with your food...
danielusescanon: Tandem pair, Black Meadowhawk Dragonflies
danielusescanon: Precarious perch...
danielusescanon: The young and inexperienced...
danielusescanon: Snipe at work making circles in the stream...
danielusescanon: Making a splash
danielusescanon: The Feather...
danielusescanon: Trumpeter Swan pair
danielusescanon: Mama! Mama!
danielusescanon: The lonely only...
danielusescanon: A fish for the mate
danielusescanon: Reflections
danielusescanon: Mew Gull (Breeding adult) American
danielusescanon: Northern Pintail hen with chicks
danielusescanon: Simply Elegant