markbholt51: 1953c - St Raphael
markbholt51: 1954 Miroir-Sprint Magazine Cutout
markbholt51: 1954 VAV Ciclismo (Image within Wheel)
markbholt51: 1955 - France Soir (road)
markbholt51: 1955 Olympiad Chewing Gum Full Color
markbholt51: C1955 VAV Assi del Pedale
markbholt51: 1956 - Bianchi - Pirelli
markbholt51: 1956 Ferrero Metal Cycling Disc
markbholt51: 1956 VAV Sport e Ciclismo
markbholt51: 1957c Miroir Sprint Deckle Edge B&W Both Names
markbholt51: 1957c - Miroir-Sprint Deckle Edge B&W - Last name only
markbholt51: 1957c - Miroir Sprint PC - Anquetil (2)
markbholt51: 1957c - Anquetil Stella (Small, Yellow Borders & Nameplate)
markbholt51: 1957c Unknown Large Color Cards
markbholt51: 1958 Belgian Chewing Gum Series 1
markbholt51: 1958 Belgian Chewing Gum Series 2
markbholt51: 1958 - Chicoree Leroux Promo Card
markbholt51: 1958 Imp and Cart Large Black and Whites
markbholt51: 1958 - Maple Leaf Chewing Gum Series 4 Anquetil
markbholt51: 1958c - Stella
markbholt51: 1958 Unknown Large Black and White
markbholt51: 1958 - VAV Campioni del Ciclismo Discs - Anquetil
markbholt51: 1959 - Edizioni Cicogna Ciclismo (red borders, no name, black thinner font) back
markbholt51: 1959 Les Sports Les Docks150
markbholt51: 1960 Ases del Pedale
markbholt51: 1960 - Cardmaster
markbholt51: 1960 Creazioni-Bis Milano
markbholt51: 1960 - Edizioni Cicogna - Portrait
markbholt51: 1960 - Edizioni Cicogna - Action
markbholt51: 1960 - Helyett Leroux Team