Kentish Yeoman:
Hever Castle 01/05/15
Kentish Yeoman:
Kentish Yeoman:
Rhododendron 2
Kentish Yeoman:
Rhododendron 1
Kentish Yeoman:
I am afraid Rosie and Charlie have left the Amazon Queen.....
Kentish Yeoman:
Hever Castle 2
Kentish Yeoman:
Hever Castle 3
Kentish Yeoman:
Chest Set and Sundial
Kentish Yeoman:
Hever Sundial
Kentish Yeoman:
The Lake at Hever
Kentish Yeoman:
I would love to know what this plant is?
Kentish Yeoman:
Two Lips
Kentish Yeoman:
Fritillaria (Snakes Head Fritillaria)
Kentish Yeoman:
Lysichiton (skunk cabbage)
Kentish Yeoman:
Hever's Italian Water Feature
Kentish Yeoman:
Raindrops keep falling on my head.....
Kentish Yeoman:
You Have Heard Of The Sword In The stone!
Kentish Yeoman:
Jack In The Green Mask