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albums of Dr Fiona J Walsh
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Quondongs: How to Grow and Care for Them
Veronica Perrurle Dobson's 80th Birthday
Framed by Fire: Survival in a Landcare Area
Two hundred and two species: Landcare wonders return to Spencer Valley, weeds going
To bear witness to Country* after buffel grass fires
Henry's Hill - Landcare place
Buffel Boundaries: Weeds, Wildflowers or Wildfires?
Alice Springs Landcare Spencer Hill 2024 July
Ashley's Bethany Birthday
Janaya and Shawn's Baby Shower
Jack (John Francis) Walsh celebratory funeral (photos by Dave Wells)
Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Carolyn Oldham, Yoga West
'Audrey Napanangka' film in Mparntwe, Alice Springs
'Cuttings' pictures from the play
Glentana Nature: Connections and Interrelations
Shearing and sheep at Glentana
Ankerre Ankerre snippets 2021 & 2014
Landcarers in Spectacular Landscapes of Australia
Landcare Superstars: Spencer Valley, Alice Springs
Trees of Our Body: Central Australia
Trees and Stars Scene at WOMAD 2017
Caterpillars as Big as Mountains
Amongst the River Red Gums
Persephone Goes Under Part 2
Fragments of the past - Hawkesbury Journey
Central Australian Combined Aboriginal Women's Choir
Cast, crew, audience, country at the Picnic
Persephone's Picnic Part 1
Peacocks Aplenty
Hills Farmstay 2014
Hamid Reads Rumi at Anthwerrke
In Honour of Jari Dog
Tamarind Farm - Tweed River Headwaters