Curmo: The Road to Prochorovka
Curmo: Belenikhino Station - Seeking Directions
Curmo: Belenikhino Station
Curmo: Binocular View from Hill 241.6 showing far bank of the Psel
Curmo: Cemetery at Storozhevoe
Curmo: Context for 281rb, 93rb Memorial (looking West)
Curmo: Detail on 284th Guards Rifles, 95th Rifle Div Memorial - Erected by Veterans in 1985
Curmo: Detail on Gostishchevo Memorial (Kempf)
Curmo: Flat Ground at top of Psel River Bank
Curmo: Gostishchevo Village looking East (Kempf)
Curmo: Gostishchevo Village looking South East (Kempf)
Curmo: Grave Site & Memorial at Gotishchevo - Looking East - 61 Soviet Soldiers (Kempf)
Curmo: Hill 241.6 looking South towards Bell Tower
Curmo: Hill 258.2 Looking West with Sign
Curmo: Hill 258.2 Looking West
Curmo: Hill 258.2 Old Barrow on 3rd Defense Line - Held for 6.5 hours by 75 defenders - Breakthrough Point 12th July 43
Curmo: Individual War Grave - Gostishchevo (Kempf)
Curmo: Lanscape in Vicinity to Hill 241.6
Curmo: Lenin in Prochorovka
Curmo: Looking South - Road to Komsomolets
Curmo: Map - Hill 258.2 - Prokhorovka
Curmo: Mass Grave at Storozhevenoe - Site of Barn
Curmo: Memorial on 1st Defense Line 5km North of Yakovlevo
Curmo: Memorial to a Company of AT Gunners from 284th Guards Rifles, 95th Rifle Div 4 Guns 8 soldiers + 1 Commander
Curmo: Memorial to soldiers, Sailors and Officers fighting for the Village of Gostishchevo - 281 rb Rifle Regiment, 93rb Rifle Division (Kempf)
Curmo: Memorial to the 5th Tank Corps - 5th July to 3rd Aug 1943 - Defenders of the Village - Belenikhino (Kempf)
Curmo: ML 20 Howitzer near Yakovlevo
Curmo: No Turning Back! Road to Kursk
Curmo: Old Road behind 281rb, 93rb Memorial - Running West to East
Curmo: Old Roadway - North (top) to South - Belenikhino