howard.stevenson10: Desk and dining table
howard.stevenson10: Piazza Maggiore
howard.stevenson10: Beer and politics
howard.stevenson10: The office for five weeks
howard.stevenson10: University, Bologna
howard.stevenson10: University, Bologna
howard.stevenson10: A piano on a bike - why not?
howard.stevenson10: Trattoria - Meloncello area
howard.stevenson10: Street commemorating partisan
howard.stevenson10: A woman on a bike - well known image of women in the resistance
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to women of the resistance - Parco di Villa Spada
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to women of the resistance - Parco di Villa Spada
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to women of the resistance - Parco di Villa Spada
howard.stevenson10: Bologna from Parco di Villa Spada
howard.stevenson10: Meeting place of Bologna Committee for National Liberation (anti-fascist alliance) - Via Saragozza 158
howard.stevenson10: Gestapo offices, Via Albergati 6
howard.stevenson10: Faculty of Engineering. Fascist HQ. Notorious site of partisan incarceration and torture
howard.stevenson10: Italian SS recruitment centre. Via Saragozza, 81
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to partisans - junction of Via Pratello and Via Pietralata
howard.stevenson10: Fascist propaganda - with anti-fascist additions
howard.stevenson10: Garden remembering persecuted anti fascists
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to executed partisans including first woman partisan executed in Bologna
howard.stevenson10: Street commemorating those killed in fascist concentration camps
howard.stevenson10: Patrtisan memorial, Cemetery at Bologna
howard.stevenson10: Commemorating italian soldiers sent to camps post 1943
howard.stevenson10: Memorial to Giovanni Martini - partisan tortured and executed by fascists