blthornburgh: Time to get more Egret food DSC_5432
blthornburgh: Peanut DSC_5805
blthornburgh: Philomena (Red-bellied woodpecker) DSC_6913
blthornburgh: Felix (Catbird) DSC_6499
blthornburgh: Ross (Male House Finch) DSC_7271
blthornburgh: Chipping Sparrow DSC_7172
blthornburgh: American Goldfinch DSC_7138
blthornburgh: Palm warbler DSC_7434
blthornburgh: Mourning Dove DSC_7519
blthornburgh: Great White Egret DSC_6705
blthornburgh: Happy Valentine's Day DSC_7039
blthornburgh: Lady B DSC_7007
blthornburgh: Bathing in Boggy Creek DSC_0429
blthornburgh: I can't help myself DSC_0055
blthornburgh: Surrounding Boggy Creek DSC_0293
blthornburgh: Wait, please don't cut that yet. DSC_0541
blthornburgh: Standing in the creek DSC_0330
blthornburgh: Mourning Dove DSC_0516
blthornburgh: Isn't she lovely DSC_1148
blthornburgh: Please don't eat the songbirds DSC_0960
blthornburgh: Shadows and light DSC_3343
blthornburgh: Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly DSC_5362
blthornburgh: Red spotted purple butterfly DSC_5471
blthornburgh: Zebra longwing DSC_5522
blthornburgh: Monarch Butterfly DSC_8154
blthornburgh: Brown Thrasher (Juvenile) DSC_6392
blthornburgh: Thrasher (adult) DSC_5167
blthornburgh: Thrasher in the bath DSC_5150
blthornburgh: Queen Butterfly DSC_3571
blthornburgh: Swallowtail DSC_5432