blthornburgh: The color orange DSC_4776
blthornburgh: Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly DSC_8645
blthornburgh: Queen butterfly DSC_1296
blthornburgh: Tiptoe through the daisies DSC_7010
blthornburgh: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly DSC_9706
blthornburgh: Malachite Butterfly 9152
blthornburgh: Malachite Butterfly DSC_8483
blthornburgh: Gaint Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)DSC_4256
blthornburgh: Palamedes swallowtail butterfly DSC_3752
blthornburgh: Pipevine Swallowtail open wings DSC_5671
blthornburgh: Black Swallowtail Butterfly DSC_9055
blthornburgh: There's no place like home DSC_5151
blthornburgh: Shall we dance DSC_7023
blthornburgh: Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) DSC_1167
blthornburgh: Robbie DSC_0174
blthornburgh: Welcome Beautiful DSC_8249
blthornburgh: Lotus bloom DSC_5269
blthornburgh: Tufty in the ant mote DSC_2238
blthornburgh: I think I have a pet hawk DSC_8093