blthornburgh: Garden blooms and monarchs DSC_7523
blthornburgh: Monarch Bouquet another angle DSC_7647
blthornburgh: Bouquet of monarchs DSC_7732
blthornburgh: Spicebush swallowtail DSC_8698
blthornburgh: Bottle Brush in Bloom DSC_8785
blthornburgh: Quest for milkweed DSC_5383
blthornburgh: Monarch on red salvia DSC_2834
blthornburgh: Another view DSC_1222
blthornburgh: Monarch on bush daisy DSC_1151
blthornburgh: Beautiful boy Monarch DSC_1419
blthornburgh: Easter Tiger Swallowtail DSC_4841
blthornburgh: Black Swallowtail DSC_5195
blthornburgh: Palamedes Swallowtail DSC_3599
blthornburgh: Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) DSC_6994
blthornburgh: Monarch lady, drunk on the lily DSC_6334
blthornburgh: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio glaucus) DSC_8067
blthornburgh: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly DSC_0894
blthornburgh: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly DSC_0908
blthornburgh: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly DSC_0862
blthornburgh: Spicebush Swallowtail DSC_8910
blthornburgh: Fragile yet Strong DSC_4329
blthornburgh: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) DSC_1983
blthornburgh: Dancing in the sunlight DSC_2780
blthornburgh: Gaint Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes)DSC_4256
blthornburgh: Chasing butterflies DSC_3739
blthornburgh: Giant Swallwotail and Goldrim DSC_4326
blthornburgh: Top side honeymooning swallowtails DSC_4725
blthornburgh: Honeymooning swallowtails underside DSC_4914
blthornburgh: Single Giant Female DSC_4673
blthornburgh: Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) DSC_5199