blthornburgh: Spicebsh Swallowtail Butterfly
blthornburgh: bumblebee
blthornburgh: Carolina Wren
blthornburgh: monarch butterfly enjoying the butterfly bush
blthornburgh: Female Cardinal
blthornburgh: Pipevine Flower
blthornburgh: bunny and squirrel (backyard)
blthornburgh: bunny & squirrel (backyard)
blthornburgh: bunny (backyard)
blthornburgh: Hybrid honeysuckle
blthornburgh: budding African Iris
blthornburgh: Yoga bunny
blthornburgh: firebush berries
blthornburgh: Racoon
blthornburgh: Young Racoon in Oak
blthornburgh: Young Racoon climging Oak
blthornburgh: Racoon just spotted me taking photos
blthornburgh: Racoon
blthornburgh: Young racoon
blthornburgh: Racoon decending from Oak
blthornburgh: Racoon
blthornburgh: Honey Bee on Bottle Brush
blthornburgh: good morning sunshine
blthornburgh: Spider web
blthornburgh: Dutchmans Pipevine (host plant for butterflies)
blthornburgh: Ginger (resident bunny)
blthornburgh: orchid
blthornburgh: bumble bee flying