calderwoodroy: Wemyss Bay railway station.
calderwoodroy: Wemyss Bay station and pier from the Rothesay ferry.
calderwoodroy: Wemyss Bay Station.
calderwoodroy: Wemyss Bay Station from the road.
calderwoodroy: Running in board at Wemyss Bay.
calderwoodroy: Walkway from ferry to train at Wemyss Bay.
calderwoodroy: Meeting Geoff and Vicki (“All The Stations”) at Wemyss Bay.
calderwoodroy: Clocktower landmark at Wemyss Bay station.
calderwoodroy: Platforms 1 and 2 at Wemyss Bay.
calderwoodroy: Class 320 403 awaits departure from Wemyss Bay for Glasgow.