calderwoodroy: The landmark former Jenners warehouse at Balgreen and Edinburgh Tram.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram arriving at Gogarburn on the western outskirts of Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Reflections at Edinburgh Park in west Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Tram stop sign at Edinburgh Park with the railway station behind.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Castle and airport bound tram.
calderwoodroy: Tram for Edinburgh Airport seen in South Saint Andrew Street, Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram at St. Andrew Square tram stop. Light show being projected on 36 St Andrew Square behind.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram approaches Ingliston Park and Ride.
calderwoodroy: Tram for Edinburgh Airport has just left the Princes Street tram stop.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram for City Centre approaching Haymarket.
calderwoodroy: York Place tram terminus, Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Interior of Edinburgh Tram
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram heads towards city centre in the distance.
calderwoodroy: Airport bound tram leaves Edinburgh Park Central .
calderwoodroy: Inscription on a wall on Henderson Row, Edinburgh reminding us of some tramway history.
calderwoodroy: The tram side of the Edinburgh Gateway interchange that is under construction and due to open December 2016.
calderwoodroy: A reminder of the date the new Edinburgh Trams commenced public service.
calderwoodroy: First day souvenir of the new Edinburgh Trams.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram crosses Edinburgh Park viaduct.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram passing the construction work on the new Edinburgh Gateway interchange with the national rail network.
calderwoodroy: Tram Driver's eye view at York Place, Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Tram commences its journey along Princes Street, Edinburgh at the West End.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Trams pass at Balgreen tramstop, Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Tram 274 passes Jenner's department store (centre) in Princes Street, Edinburgh.
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh tram 35 on the tramway at the Glasgow Garden Festival 1988.
calderwoodroy: Postcard view from the mid nineteen twenties of Princes Street, Edinburgh at its junction with Lothian Road.
calderwoodroy: South side of Edinburgh Park railway station and the tramstop with a city bound tram.
calderwoodroy: Airport bound tram in Edinburgh between Saughton and Bankhead
calderwoodroy: Trams pass in Shandwick Place, Edinburgh
calderwoodroy: Edinburgh Tram calling at the Edinburgh Park Central stop and seen through the greenery of the business park.