insectsunlocked: Unidentified Lycaenid
insectsunlocked: Unidentified Lycaenid
insectsunlocked: Bumblebee Hawkmoth, Hemaris sp.
insectsunlocked: Wing detail of Blue Morpho (Nymphalidae, Morpho sp.)
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Freshly-eclosed Rustic Sphinx Moth (Sphingidae, Manduca rustica (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Wings of Zebra Longwing (Nymphalidae, Heliconius charithonia (Linnaeus))
insectsunlocked: Wings of Zebra Longwing (Nymphalidae, Heliconius charithonia (Linnaeus))
insectsunlocked: Many-banded Daggerwing or Mariposa Daga (Nymphalidae, Marpesia chiron (Fabricius))
insectsunlocked: Green-eyed White or Mariposa blanca de ojos verde (Pieridae, Leptophobia aripa (Boisduval))
insectsunlocked: Juno Silverspot or Pasionara de alas largas (Nymphalidae, Dione juno (Cramer))
insectsunlocked: Green-eyed White or Mariposa blanca de ojos verde (Pieridae, Leptophobia aripa (Boisduval))
insectsunlocked: Juno Silverspot or Pasionara de alas largas (Nymphalidae, Dione juno (Cramer))
insectsunlocked: Mourning Cloak or Velo de Duelo (Nymphalidae, Nymphalis antiopa)
insectsunlocked: Mourning Cloak or Velo de Duelo (Nymphalidae, Nymphalis antiopa)
insectsunlocked: Reakirt's Blue or Azul de mezquite (Lycaenidae, Echinargus isola)
insectsunlocked: Crimson Patch or Mariposa parche carmesi (Nymphalidae, Chlosyne janais (Drury))
insectsunlocked: Crimson Patch or Mariposa parche carmesi (Nymphalidae, Chlosyne janais (Drury))
insectsunlocked: Orange-barred Sulphur or Mariposa azufre de bandas naranja (Pieridae, Phoebis philea (Linnaeus))
insectsunlocked: Orange-barred Sulphur or Mariposa azufre de bandas naranja (Pieridae, Phoebis philea (Linnaeus))
insectsunlocked: Orange-barred Sulphur or Mariposa azufre de bandas naranja (Pieridae, Phoebis philea (Linnaeus))
insectsunlocked: Blotched Leopard Moth (Geometridae, Pantherodes sp.)
insectsunlocked: Blotched Leopard Moth (Geometridae, Pantherodes sp.)
insectsunlocked: Orange Sulphur (Pieridae, Colias eurytheme)
insectsunlocked: Orange Sulphur (Pieridae, Colias eurytheme)