Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: Buster Stiggs and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Buster Stiggs and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Phil Judd of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: Buster Stiggs and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Phil Judd of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Phil Judd and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Phil Judd and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Buster Stiggs and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: The Swingers at TV2 Studio, Auckland, N.Z.
Peter Tocher: Buster Stiggs and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Phil Judd and Bones Hillman of The Swingers
Peter Tocher: Buster watches Phil on the playback monitor at TV2 after recording 'Never, Never'
Peter Tocher: Buster, Phil and Bones watching the playback monitor at TV2 after recording 'Never, Never'