wildlife_photo: SEO 24-01-2015c PS edit_wm
wildlife_photo: SEO 24-01-2015b PS edit_wm
wildlife_photo: SEO 24-01-2015d PS edit_wm
wildlife_photo: Tawny 25-01-15_wm
wildlife_photo: SEO 26-01-15c PS edit_wm
wildlife_photo: PSX_20150126_235612_wm
wildlife_photo: PSX_20150126_235445_wm
wildlife_photo: PSX_20150126_235527_wm
wildlife_photo: PSX_20150120_224652_wm
wildlife_photo: PSX_20150207_212613_wm
wildlife_photo: Short Eared Owl
wildlife_photo: Tawny Owl - staffordshire
wildlife_photo: Tawny Owl - Staffordshire
wildlife_photo: Tawny Owl -staffordshire
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl from the British Wildlife centre
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl from the British Wildlife centre
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl, Staffordshire
wildlife_photo: Long Eared Owl chick
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl (Strix Aluco) Male
wildlife_photo: Long eared owl 04-06-2016
wildlife_photo: Long eared owl 04-06-2016
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl chick 03-06-16
wildlife_photo: Long eared owl (Asio otus) taken in Staffordshire
wildlife_photo: Long eared owl 04-06-2016
wildlife_photo: Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
wildlife_photo: Little owl